
一般性 詞彙/字典 雜誌 細胞及分子生物學 生理學 健康 遺傳與進化


網址: 內容:
http://resources.ed.gov.hk/biology/ 香港生物網:香港特區政府教育署網頁,為老師及學生提供獲取學習和教授生物科的有關資訊及資源的渠道。
http://www2.nsysu.edu.tw/bio86/bionet.htm 全球生物網:很多與生物學有關網頁的連結。
http://www.fed.cuhk.edu.hk/~johnson/ Biology Teaching Home Pages: Maintained by a secondary school Biology teacher, with a lot of teaching resources, strategies, teaching aids, animation, common misconception, interactive learning, teaching forum etc.
http://www.sbc.edu.hk/sbc-lcs/biology.htm Lamlarry Legendary Land: by a secondary school Biology teacher, with video clips and interactive matching exercises
http://www.hkbiology.net/ 香港生物教育網站:內容包括生物學教學資源、戶外考察、學習與教學、電影片段、實驗資訊、互動資訊、顯微鏡下等等
http://home.honwah.edu.hk/~biology/ 漢華中學生物科網頁:有專題文章、紅樹林、華山植物考察等
http://www.naturalking.net/ 自然學堂:以自然科學(初中綜合科學科和生物學)為主題的網頁
http://afcd.gov.hk/web/index_c.htm 漁農自然護理署
http://www.info.gov.hk/dh/ 衛生署
http://www.info.gov.hk/fedh/ 食物環境衛生署
http://www.ed.gov.hk/ 教育署
http://www.info.gov.hk/epd/ 環境保護署
http://www.wwf.org.hk/chi/index.html 世界自然(香港)基金會



網址: 內容:
http://www.info.gov.hk/ola/netglos/gloslist.htm 政府部門常用英漢詞彙:香港政府法定語文事務署的分科英漢詞彙,包括醫療衛生、環境保護、公眾衛生、漁農等等
http://www.cmihku.hk/material/n_bio.html 母語教學教師支援中心:香港大學課程教育系主理的網頁,有教學資源、詞彙、試題庫、閱讀材料等等。
http://glossary.gardenweb.com/glossary/ Garden Web Glossary: Online glossary for plant biology
Plants, Animals, and the Environment Glossary: Online glossary of terms in zoology, botany, environmental science and marine biology
http://biotech.icmb.utexas.edu/search/dict-search.html Life Science Dictionary: Currently contains 8300+ terms deal with biochemistry, biotechnology, botany, cell biology and genetics.



網址: 內容:
http.//www.newscientist.com/ New Scientist (English)
http://www.sciam.com/ Scientific American (English)
http://www.sciam.com.tw/ 科學人 (繁體中文)
Ask the experts, Scientific American: Ask to the experts and have the answers through the internet.





http://library.thinkquest.org/3564 Welcome to the cell: With lessons, gallery of assorted cells, a program that can translate DNA sequence to amino acid sequence and a glossary of microbiology terms
http://www.jcb.org/ Journal of Cell Biology: With reports on the current development of cell biology
Online Biology Book: With concise lecture notes for biochemical molecule found in the cell
http://www.cellsalive.com/ Cell alive: With pictures and animations of cell and cell organelles
http://www.cbc.umn.edu/~mwd/cell.html An ouline biology book: With lectures notes and photos of cell organelles





http://www.cln.org/themes/digestive.html The Human Body's Digestive System Theme Page: With collection of links relevant to the theme of the human body's digestive system, suitable for both S4-5 and Advanced Level
http://www.cln.org/themes/respiratory.html The Human Body's Digestive System Theme Page: With collection of links relevant to the theme of the human body's digestive system, suitable for both S4-5 and Advanced Level
http://www.cln.org/themes/circulatory.html The Human Body's Digestive System Theme Page: With collection of links relevant to the theme of the human body's digestive system, suitable for both S4-5 and Advanced Level
http://www.cln.org/themes/skeletal.html The Human Body's Digestive System Theme Page: With collection of links relevant to the theme of the human body's respiratory system, suitable for both S4-5 and Advanced Level
http://www.cln.org/themes/muscular.html The Human Body's Digestive System Theme Page: With collection of links relevant to the theme of the human body's muscular system, suitable for both S4-5 and Advanced Level
http://www.cln.org/themes/brain.html The Human Body's Digestive System Theme Page: With collection of links relevant to the theme of the human body's nervous system, suitable for both S4-5 and Advanced Level
http://ical.cs.ccu.edu.tw/teach/profchen/home-1.htm 基礎視覺科學網路示範教材:國立中正大學心理學系基礎視覺實驗室,有眼睛解剖、視覺等資料。





http://www.info.gov.hk/healthzone/mainpage.html 中央健康教育組:香港特區政府衛生署網頁


http://library.thinkquest.org/10631 AIDS: Prevention and Education from the Growing Epidemic
http://health.china.com/zh_tw/special_topic/tianhua/ 中華網 - 健康頻道:有關天花疫苗的發現,人類如何撲滅天花的過程的資料





http://www.cln.org/themes/genetics.html Genetics Theme Pages: Collection of links relevant to the theme of genetics
http://www.info.gov.hk/fehd/safefood/gmf/index1.html Genetic Modified Food: Homepage of Food and Environmental Hygience Dept, HKSAR
http://www.greenpeace-china.org.hk/eng/gm_main.adp Genetic engineering: Homepage of Greenpeace