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Welcome to the website of the English Department!

Every year, we organize a variety of activities for our students to stimulate their interest in learning English and to have fun learning it!

Enjoy English with...
  • Wiseman
  • It's my life
  • Learn to read
  • What's the word?
  • Fun Brain Reading Book
  • Stuart Stories
  • Catch the Spelling
  • Picture books

English Department has endeavored to consolidate students' foundation in English with a panel of experienced, well-trained and benchmarked teachers.

Panel Head Mr. Chan Chung Shun
Form 1 Ms. Eleanor Mary Jones
Ms. Cheng Yu Luk
Ms. Chau Fung Yee
Ms. Koo Shuk Yin
Ms. Cheung Hoi Lam
Ms. Kwong Wai Ling
Form 2 Ms. Eleanor Mary Jones
Ms. Koo Shuk Yin
Ms. Chau Yuen Ling
Ms. Cheung Hoi Lam
Ms. Kwong Wai Ling
Ms. Cheng Yu Luk
Form 3 Ms. Eleanor Mary Jones
Mr. Chan Chung Shun
Ms. Cheung Hoi Lam
Ms. Chau Fung Yee
Ms. Wu Yuen Ting
Ms. Kwong Wai Ling
Form 4 Ms. Cheng Yu Luk
Ms. Wu Yuen Ting
Ms. Ko Wai Yin
Ms. Chau Yuen Ling
Form 5 Ms. Chau Fung Yee
Mr. Chan Chung Shun
Ms. Chau Yuen Ling
Ms. Ko Wai Yin
Form 6 Ms. Eleanor Mary Jones
Ms. Ko Wai Yin
Ms. Wu Yuen Ting
Mr. Chan Chung Shun
Ms. Koo Shuk Yin

English Society Supervisor

Ms. Eleanor Mary Jones(NET)

Remedial & Enhancement
Classes Coordinator
Ms. Chau Fung Yee

Various strategies and activities have been conducted throughout the years to increase students' motivation in both learning and using English as a means of communication in their daily lives.

  • Public Speaking Training
  • Trilingual Week
  • 75th Anniversary Celebration
  • 74th Hong Kong School Speech Festival
  • Learning Fun Day
  • Writing Workshop
  • Fluency Challenge
  • Carnival at Good Hope Primary School
  • Christmas Activities
  • English WeCan
  • Easter Activities
  • HKCDSS Talent Show
73rd HK Schools Speech Festival_Awardees for English Speech (Solo Verse Speaking) Women in Sports Empowered HK WISEHow to Enhance English Speaking via Book Creator新春書香漂南華Thanksgiving activityFYP: Public Speaking TrainingOverseas study tourCommunity ServiceFluency ChallengeAward Scheme WinnerLunch Time Activity